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Fantic Motor S.p.a.
REGISTERED OFFICE: Via Tarantelli, 7 - 31030 Dosson di Casier (TV) Italy
HEAD OFFICE: Via Leonardo da Vinci 11 - Santa Maria di Sala (VE) Italy

Before contacting us, please see the list of frequently asked questions that may help you.
Or write to us by selecting your area of interest .
A team of passionate experts will be able to deal with your query.
If you have any questions, please remember that you can always contact your local authorised dealer.
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How can I find the closest Fantic authorised dealer to me?
Please, click here to use the Dealer Locator.
What are the documents I have to receive from the Fantic authorised dealer once I pick up my motorbike?
The dealer must give the owner the motorbike documents, which are User Manual and Warranty Manual (complete in every section, pre-delivery inspection form included).
What are the documents I have to receive from the Fantic authorised dealer once I pick up the e-bike?
The dealer must give the owner the e-bike documents, which are: User Manual, Warranty Manual (complete in every section, pre-delivery inspection form included) and the Warning and Safety Devices Manual.
Who can give me information about products and spare parts prices?
Exclusively a Fantic authorised dealer can give you this information. Look for the closest dealer here.
Who can help me, if I have an issue on my vehicle (motorbike/e-bike)?
We strongly recommend to seek help only from Fantic authorised dealers. Look for the closest dealer here.
What are the homologated tyres for my Fantic?
All homologated and permitted tyres can be found in the motorbike’s registration certificate.
What petrol am I allowed using on my Fantic?
You will find all permitted types of petrol in the User Manual.
Where can I find the maintenance table for my vehicle?
This information can be found in the User Manual.
Where can I find another copy of the User Manual?
Every Fantic authorised dealer will be able to provide you with a PDF copy of the User Manual. Otherwise, you can purchase a paper copy through an authorised dealer.
What does the Fantic warranty cover?
Fantic warranty conditions can be found in the Fantic Warranty Manual that you will receive.
Who is authorised to carry out interventions under warranty?
Interventions under warranty can be carried out by any Fantic authorised dealer in the country of purchase of the product and in the EU.
What is the warranty period for my motorbike?
The warranty period lasts 24 months and is indicated in the Warranty Manual. It starts from the date of first registration of the motorbike.
What is the warranty period for my e-bike?
The warranty period lasts 24 months and is indicated in the Warranty Manual. It starts from the date of first purchase of the e-bike.
How can I keep the warranty of my motorbike valid?
By following the maintenance table of the User Manual, and having the service done only by authorised dealers. Moreover, it is fundamental to use the vehicle properly, in compliance to its original conformation and to the User Manual.
Will the Fantic warranty still be valid after I sell the motorbike/e-bike?
Yes, the Fantic warranty is linked to a vehicle frame number, and can be transferred to a new owner.
How can I know, if my motorbike has been recalled?
In case of recall, all owners of the vehicles included will receive communication from Fantic (or from your authorised dealer or from competent national authorities) via email or phone (based on the details you have given the authorised dealer), to make an appointment in the workshop.
How can I know, if any technical updates for my Fantic are available?
Any Fantic authorised dealer has the necessary means to verify potential updates for the motorbike or e-bike.
Where can I find my vehicle’s frame number?
For motorbikes, it can usually be found on the head tube. For e-bikes, it can usually be found under the motor case or under the horizontal tube. By any means, its exact location is written in the User Manual.
Where can I find information on the homologation, the ABE and TÜV certification?
The most important information is included in the User Manual. For any further information, we recommend asking a Fantic authorised dealer.
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