EGP: Fantic Racing enduro teams heading to Finland

The Finnish GP is the third round of the Enduro GP world championship. Etchells, Cristino, and Daniels aim to confirm their positions as leaders in their respective rankings.


Heinola, May 26th, 2023


The Finnish GP is the third round of the Enduro World Championship and marks the start of two back-to-back races in Scandinavia. Heinola, a city northeast of Helsinki, returns to host the Finnish GP after seven years after the last time. 

Fantic Racing riders will be awaited by a typical Finnish technical terrain characterized by roots and logs. 

The women's world championship is resuming after the Spanish GP break. Jane Daniels from JET Fantic Racing is leading the standings, thanks to her impressive performance with a one-two punch at the inaugural grand prix in Liguria.

Women's enduro is seeing a growing interest, as confirmed by the many girls registered for the Finnish challenge.

Jed Etchell from JET Fantic Racing and Kevin Cristino from Fantic Racing Enduro are the two leads that need to be defended. In the Junior class, Jed must increase his lead in the overall standings. Meanwhile, Kevin is still unbeaten in the Youth category, riding the Fantic XE 125. So they are ready to face their competitors' challenges and respond accordingly.

The Fantic Racing Enduro team, led by Simone Albergoni, will only miss Gianluca Facchetti after his injury in Spain. In the competitive E3 class, Lorenzo Macoritto is looking for the pace to get closer to the leaders with his Fantic XE 300. Albin Norrbin, thanks to the Spanish one-two, has shortened the distance from the top in J2. Young Valentino Corsi wants to return to breathing the podium air in the Youth class.

Harry Edmondson rounds out Franco Mayr's JET Fantic Racing team. The reigning Youth world champion has consistently finished in the top 10 on his debut in the Junior class, showing increasing confidence with his Fantic XEF 250.

Simone Albergoni (Fantic Racing Enduro team manager): "The Finnish GP is always tough. As a rider, I won my last victory in Heinola in 2012, and I remember it well. The guys are motivated and have prepared well. I hope Lorenzo gets into the right gear because he can do well. Albin took grand prix to carb up. I expected that after his return from injury, but now I see him calm and aware of his abilities. Kevin got off to a great start, but are still 200 points up for grabs, and you can't relax. Finally, I hope Valentino can repeat the performance of San Remo and confirm the top 5 position, which is surprising given his young age."

Franco Mayr: "We go into the third round of the world enduro as leaders in Junior with Jed and Women with Jane. It will be a challenging weekend, but the guys have prepared, and we aim to maintain the ranking positions. I'm very confident for Harry. He has already shown improvement in his first year on the Fantic XEF 250 and making his Junior debut."


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