Celestino Vietti gest point in a demanding race

After the first historic pole position got yesterday by Fantic, Vietti finishes the race in ninth position. Gomez fights, recovers positions and finishes twentieth.


Austin (Texas, USA), April 16, 2023


After having fulfilled Fantic's dream of the first pole position in the Moto2 World Championship, today Celestino Vietti finished the Americas GP in ninth position. 7 points in the world standings that leave us with a bitter taste.

Borja Gomez, at his first grand prix in the difficult American track, finishes twentieth, once again ahead of his grid position. Signs of improvement are evident for the rider from Murcia.

Now, a "friendly" circuit, Jerez de la Frontera, is waiting for him.

Celestino Vietti: “Unfortunately, we haven’t been competitive as expected during the race. I knew I wasn’t the fastest in the race pace. I struggled enough, anyway, we did a good job during the weekend, and we improved. We go to Jerez with the consciousness of achieving a good result, and we just need to continue working in the right way.”

Borja Gomez: “Honestly, this track is very difficult, and I have to admit I learned a lot this weekend. The feeling with the bike has improved a lot session by session. In the race, I tried to keep a constant pace,  trying to recover positions and after all I'm satisfied. I want to thank Fantic Racing and all my team because they are working really hard to help me grow".


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