Fantic Racing enduro teams strengthen the leadership at the Spanish GP

At the second act of the enduro world championship, to be hosted in Lalìn, Etchells and Cristino defend the leads in their respective categories. 


Lalìn, May 5th, 2023


The enduro world championship starts again: after the GP of Italy in Arma di Taggia (IM), this weekend is the turn of the GP of Spain, in Lalìn, in northwest Spain, not far from Santiago de Compostela.

There are three Fantic Racing teams' riders leading the standings in their category. Kevin Cristino (Fantic Racing Enduro team) in Youth, Jane Daniels in Woman and Jed Etchells in Junior (both from the JET Fantic Racing team). 

Cristino and Daniels won both races, while Etchells got first and second place.

This weekend Cristino ed Etchells will try to extend the lead over their rivals, but they will test themselves on partly different courses than those encountered in the Italian GP, where the special test took place on the beach.
A Lalìn Womend class will not race. So Jane Daniels will come back riding her Fantic XEF 250 at the end of May, for the Finnish GP.

Simone Albergoni's Fantic Racing Enduro team lines up in full force. Lorenzo Macoritto finished the Italian GP in the top 10. The Assoluti d'Italia and regional races were good for him to get the winter dust off.

The former MX rider Gianluca Facchetti will finally have his EGP debut in Spain, riding his Fantic XEF 250. He is not at the top yet but ready to fight in the enduro world championship.

In the Junior class, Albin Norrbin is eighth in the overall category standings and wants to improve his position.

Alongside Cristino, in the Youth class, will be Valentino Corsi, who got a positive debut in the EGP World Championship in Arma di Taggia with two fourth places riding the Fantic XE 125.

JET Fantic Racing Team's Harry Edmondson will join Etchells in Junior 2. Making his debut in the category after winning the Youth World championship last year, team manager Franco Mayr knows the British can give good satisfaction soon.


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